I PLANT Dandelions

Hey yall!!! ...whoops!
Letting that southern slang sneak in...can you tell I'm from Georgia?!

I'm Heather Coley.

Wife to, Jimmy, the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on
(had to snag him when I was in the 7th grade :) ,
"Mama" to 2 of the most creative & fun kids south of Atlanta,
Success Coach,
& Little League Baseball "Dug out Mom".

Family is important to me.

Growing up my mom owned a beauty salon in our basement, and I took for granted that "Mama" was going to be home when I got home from school.

Call me a little old fashioned..."Leave it to Beaver"..but that's what I've always dreamed of, being like "Mama".

That's the lifestyle I live.

It's the lifestyle I've created.

I take our children to school every morning. I pick them up in the afternoons. I go on field trips & set my schedule around soccer & baseball games.

These times are precious and I am well aware that there will be a day that I will long for them to want "Mama" to come eat lunch with them at school.

I am passionate about what I do.
I am passionate about WHO I am.

Jimmy and I are full blooded "entrepreneurs". We've been involved in the home business industry since the mid 90's, not long after we got married. We've owned several businesses, and still do today.

I've had my real estate license for over 5 years now, and enjoy working with buyers and doing some investing.

I LOOOOVE getting a good deal...on anything!

For this reason, I expect no less when I'm helping someone buy a house.

I learned long ago, that one of the Big secrets is
"More value than cost". Plain and simple.

I have to admit that teaching is my passion. Whether it's teaching someone marketing ideas to help in their home business, or educating someone on the process of buying a home....it's what I love!

I love studying books from long ago. Books that are over 100 years old. Those that have values, wisdom, & truth. Give me some King Solomon, Wallace Wattles, or Napoleon Hill and I'm a happy camper!

Some people ask why I chose a dandelion to be on my site. It's simple and so profound, and made so much sense.

They spread increase....and they do it in a "Fun" way!

And as their seed scatters, they raise up others that will do the same.

Whew! Beautiful! Love it. Love it.

Now you know why I love to say... "I PLANT Dandelions".

Seeing someone become better...
There's just no greater feeling.

No greater reward.

Heather Coley

My junior high sweetheart's wife, "Mama" to Hannah & Gage, Angel of Prosperity, Real estate lady, Yankees "Dug out" Mom, Grandaughter of a Junkyard Hippy, Beach Body Coach

Sunday, October 26, 2008

We Buried the words "I Can't"

We did it...
we really did it.

No more "I can't be successful"

No more "I can't be what I want to be"

No more "I can't be healthy"

No more "I can't get out of debt"

No more "I can't make a difference in this world!


October 26, 2008

What a feeling of triumph and power!

You should have seen our children's faces.
They were happy! Excited! Thrilled!

I encourage anyone reading this to take the challenge and do the same with your family....

Say Goodbye to those two dreadful words..."I CAN'T"

Become empowered, teach your children that the sky is the limit!

Your family will become your own team against the other dreadful word..."AVERAGE".
You might say "Well what's wrong with being "average"?

Everything and nothing more.

You "settle" for comfort, you "settle" for just enough.
You "settle" for easy, because that way you won't fail.

The fear of failure keeps others from trying.

Will it keep YOU?

Have you ever noticed that people that say "I CAN",are the heroes that make a difference?

Not only in their own life, but the countless lives of others.

Is it the brave fireman that rushes into a burning house to save a child that is cherished by someone else?

Is it the single mom that works two jobs and has a home business on the side so that she can give her kids a better life?

Is it the athlete that trains hours on end to achieve their dream of being in the Olympics some day?

Maybe it doesn't have to be that extreme...

Maybe it's the words inside of you that screams "YOU CAN" when everyone else around you is telling you you're crazy, or you're a dreamer...


What one person can do, so can any other.

Our family buried the words "I Can't".

Now it's YOUR Turn!

See our burial & others @ http://www.themillionmindmarch.com/


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